About Me

Sunday, March 28, 2010

to the girl had been the best in my life-Amy Mok AnYi

Essentially , my parents are coming to KB for the coming Sultan's birthday public holiday, but unluckily, maybe it will be fail because there are a distressed news. Yes, it is so unbelievable. You had a rich, happy, big, awesome family, but now god changed your life, sometimes i wonder why god are so heartless. God take your father away, take him away from your happiness life, and soon.. god will take your smile, your laugh, your life, your wealth, your health... But girl, sometimes god just want to make things better, god just want to let your father leave from his painfulness, and go to the wonderful place that we call 'heaven', think positive ! Cry, just cry if you feel better, but after that you must be strong, and say welcome to your coming life, I know it is hard, but somemore you must try for you mummy.. I'm down, i had been your best friend but now i dont know what can i help. I will pray for you, asking jesus tobless your coming days, happy, happy and happy ! You are the important people of mine in my life.

BE STRONG, AMY !! wish to see you smile sweetly and pretty the next time
you meet me ! i miss you !

Hey everyone, appreciate the moment we have !! ;(

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